Parents & Carers

For Parents and Carers

In this section, we have gathered information that parents and carers ask us about most frequently - like where to buy the uniform, when the school terms start and finish and even what your child will be having for lunch. We have also added a list below of the most frequently asked questions for you. 

Use the menu on the left-hand side to find the information you need.

And if you can't find what you are looking for, send us a message by clicking here >>

What to do if... 

  • If my child is late
    All students must arrive on time and be on-site no later than 8.20am. Form time starts promptly at 8.30 am each day. If your child arrives late to school (after 8:30am) they must enter the school through the main school reception where they will be signed in and taken to their lesson by a member of staff.
  • Students who arrive late to school will be issued with an afterschool detention. Parents/carers will be informed through Class Charts and the attendance team will be in contact with parents if there are ongoing concerns about punctuality to see what they can do to help.
  • If my child is absent
    To inform the school of any absence please contact the Attendance Office directly on 01423 554087.
  • If my child needs a medical/dental appointment
    Medical and dental appointments should be arranged out of school time. If this is unavoidable a medical letter or absence note should be shown to the Health Support Officer (Miss Green). Your child will need to sign out and back in the Main School Office.
  • My child needs time off during term time.
    Leave of absence during term time will not be granted unless there are exceptional circumstances. Application forms should be collected and returned to the Attendance Office. Permission will not normally be given for holidays during term time.  For more information please see the attendance section of the website.
  • My child has lost something
    Ask at Reception to see if it has been handed in and tell your child to tell your Form Tutor or Student Support Officer.  All property should be marked with your child’s full name.
  • My child forgets their independent learning/PE Kit or essential equipment
    Please encourage your child to apologise to their subject teacher before the lesson and find out how they can rectify the problem.
  • My child is being bullied or you know someone who is
    Contact your child’s Student Support Officer ASAP

Mr D Parker - (Year 8)
Mrs T McWilliams - (Year 9)
Mrs P (Year 10) 
Mrs K Gudgeon - (Year 11)
All SSOs Year 7

You can telephone the school and speak to your child’s Student Support Officer or email and leave details. We will contact you as soon as possible.

  • My child does not feel well
    Tell a member of staff or speak to the Health Support Officer (Miss Green)
  • My child has to take medication
    Inform the Health Support Officer (Miss Green). Medication should be clearly labelled with your child’s name and given to Miss Green to be locked away until they need it. The only exception is if your child has an inhaler, but they can keep that with them.
  • My child does not have the correct uniform
    Students will be required to borrow uniform if they have missing items or parents will be requested to bring the missing items into school. 
  • My child wants to take up paid work
    An NYCC work permit is required for all students over 13 years of age who wish to work part-time. Please see your Student Support Officer.
  • My contact details change
    Please contact reception or ask for a ‘Change of Student Details’ form. Alternatively, contact your Student Support Officer.  It is important that we have up to date contact information.
  • My child has a problem with their dinner account
    Your child should go to see any staff member in Main School Office or the Finance Team. They should do this before they want to use the account as it may not be possible during break and lunchtimes.

DSL Contact Numbers

07902 340836 or 07889 725557

Please only use in case of safeguarding concerns/issues


View accreditations

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Career Mark Logo
Leeds Trinity In Partnership Logo 2016(cropped)
WAS_NCB_2020-2023 (2)
2022 Green Education Accreditation