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Parents´ Forum
Harrogate High School Parents’ Forum is a group of parents representing all year groups who meet 5 times per year to discuss matters of school improvement with senior leaders. Following the disruption caused by the lockdowns, we relaunched this group in the summer term 2021. The Parents’ Forum is a vehicle for parent consultation and feedback and allows school leaders to gauge parental opinion and perspective on a variety of issues, such as communication, curriculum, assessment, reporting, use of technology, catering, enrichment, literacy, and many more. Students and staff often present to parents/carers, and there is an agenda published in advance of each meeting. Parents are welcome to suggest agenda items but will need to be aware that this group is not a forum for discussing individual concerns or provision for individual students. All parents/carers are welcome to join, and meetings are limited to one hour (6-7pm). All we ask is that members are committed to attending the meetings and come with enthusiasm and a willingness to chat.
If you would like to join the group help us to improve the school experience for all our students via your feedback and ideas, please email We will be very grateful for your participation!
Meetings are scheduled as follows and are held in school between 6-7pm in the library:
- 11/10/23
- 31/1/24
- 8/5/24
- 10/10/24
- 28.01.25