Our School

Quality in Careers Standard

Harrogate High School is continuing the development of its careers programme as it completes the rigorous application to achieve reaccreditation of the highly prestigious "Quality in Careers Standard".


When a school achieves the standard, it is a national recognition that it provides its students with careers support of the very best quality. 

To achieve this quality award, schools and colleges submit their CEIAG programme for rigorous external assessment and accreditation by the Licensed Awarding Body. The assessment is made against national standards, which fully incorporate the Gatsby Benchmarks for "Good Careers Guidance" by an expert CEIAG assessor who is independent from the school or college.

As a school, we have chosen to use Career Mark as our Licensed Awarding Body for the National Quality in Careers Standard.  Click on the link below to find out more:

Career Mark Logo

Career Mark uses five standards to assess the Quality in Careers Standard:

  • Management  - Measures the effectiveness of your systems for planning, managing and integrating CEIAG
  • Guidance - Measures the effectiveness of an integrated programme of advice, guidance and support
  • Curriculum - Measures how effectively your curriculum supports the development of learners’ knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes
  • Information - Measures the accessibility, relevance, importance and effectiveness of information, the acquisition of skills to research and evaluate to be able to make well informed and realistic career decisions
  • Learner Outcomes - Evaluates learners’ knowledge, competence and attitudes towards career planning

By achieving the externally assessed Quality in Careers Standard parents can be confident that the careers support provided by the school or college will help every student to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to take control of their futures.

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Useful links:

Gatsby foundation- Good Career Guidance
Successful Futures NYBEP


Harrogate College Apprenticeship and Job Fair

View accreditations

download (1)
Career Mark Logo
Leeds Trinity In Partnership Logo 2016(cropped)
WAS_NCB_2020-2023 (2)
2022 Green Education Accreditation